Why It’s Important to Replace a Server

The benefits of improved performance, capacity, and security combined with the reduction of maintenance, downtime, and resources are a clear indication a regular system migration to a new server should be heavily considered by a software team.

Recently, Realized Solutions made the crucial decision to migrate one of our clients to a new server. While the process requires extensive planning and communicating the benefits of updating to a new server are endless.

One of the primary benefits is to improve operational performance. An older server experiences inefficiency and space issues, hampering regular workflows and reducing the productivity. If we continued to rely on the older server, it’s very possible the server would become less responsive and potentially lead to hardware failure. By switching to a new server, we can execute daily processes with greater efficiency and our clients’ confidence in the software’s technical performance will increase.

New servers increase hard drive space and memory, which is a benefit with storage capacity and can consolidate multiple databases on one server. Rather than having to access databases spread out on multiple servers, an updated server allows RSI to relocate the databases in one location, enabling query data quicker than with the old server.

Additionally, the longer a client stays on the same server, the greater the maintenance becomes. Switching to a new server reduces the amount of regular maintenance and repairs that need to be implemented to ensure the server is running properly along with saving money and time. With fewer resources spent on maintenance, there is more focus on a client’s important needs.

It is imperative RSI addresses maintenance needs since it will lead to greater downtime inefficiency. Servers naturally expire due to a warranty or regular wear-and-tear, moving to a new server anticipates these eventual issues and ensures the client can perform regular operations without frequent downtime. This gives our client peace of mind as they can expect automated processes to continue unhindered as their systems are upgraded.

Most importantly a new server provides increased security that can contend with the ever-evolving world of cybercrime. Older servers may not be capable of handling the most recent and sophisticated security concerns, so regular server upgrades ensure sensitive data is protected by updated cybersecurity systems.

The benefits of improved performance, capacity, and security combined with the reduction of maintenance, downtime, and resources are a clear indication a regular system migration to a new server should be heavily considered by a software team. By taking this crucial step, both RSI and the client can focus on providing the best support for their customers that depend on the systems.