PayStub Processing

The on-demand paystub processing systems RSI developed for a fiscal intermediary (FI) have successfully saved time and space for the client.

RSI works with a client who is a fiscal intermediary (FI), and an important purpose is to assist utilizing state funds to pay employees who provide personal care assistance or similar services. The FI manages paperwork, remits payment to employees, and other administrative functions they may not be able to handle easily. One of our many projects for the client was to process paystubs for their employees.

The process was accomplished by taking time and pay rate information for a given date range from a third-party enterprise resource planning software the client utilizes. Then the information would be organized using unique employee and consumer identifiers to create a profile of paystub information for each program where the employee completes their tasks. The process filters out paystub models that have been generated, and at the same time our team runs the process multiple times weekly for the same weekly date range by saving the same models to a database and cross- checking when the process is running.

Once the models are created and saved, our team uses a server to transform the models into PDF documents of the physical paystubs that the employee will receive. The primary tool with which the user accesses the PDFs through a website referred to as the “Portal”. Numerous documents are shared among different employees of the client with RSI creating functionality on the Portal securely allowing users to view their own sensitive information, like paystubs, by matching the profile of their identifier with the identifiers saved to the database earlier.

The original process operated with every model created by the process having the PDF generated immediately as one of the last parts of the process. This was a very time intensive portion as it took several seconds to generate a single document and there are thousands of models created during each run of the process. As a result, it was a necessity for someone from the RSI team to monitor the process closely in the event of a momentary connection failure during processing that could halt everything, the process could be restarted soon after.

The methodology was revised in exchange for the logic that would only generate the document once the employee called upon the specific paystub in the portal which saves drive space so we aren’t generating potentially thousands of documents that may not be viewed by users immediately – the documents are generated by an API on-demand as users view the pay stub. By moving the functionality of generating PDF files to the Portal and with having the user pull information based on the system, RSI has successfully saved time and space for the client!