Manual & Automated Unit Development Testing

Testing is the #1 priority and is imperative to reduce the number of bugs in software and web applications. When code goes through the development process, there are several stages before it’s delivered to the client. In each stage, testing is done to filter out bugs and create the best user experience when the software goes live. The first stage in development is when the developers test their code, known as “Unit Testing.”

In the world of software and web applications, we inevitably run into problems with what we call “bugs”. Some of these bugs can range from a small annoyance to something that could critically disrupt the use of a client’s software. No program, big or small, is free of bugs. Some bugs are introduced when developers make changes to the code behind the program for new features or even fixing other bugs. The code for most applications is so complex and holds many moving parts, even the best developers in the world can have a bug in their code.

How does RSI reduce the number of bugs in a client’s software?

The answer may seem obvious but may not always be completed like it should be.  Testing is the #1 priority and is imperative to reduce the number of bugs. When code goes through the development process, there are several stages before it’s delivered to the client. In each stage, testing is done to filter out bugs and create the best user experience when the software goes live. The first stage in development is when the developers test their code, known as “Unit Testing,” to ensure the changes work correctly and as intended.

What is Unit testing?

Unit testing are to be completed in two ways, Manual and Automated Unit Testing.

  • Manual Unit Testing
    Testing can be accomplished in several ways, one approach is by using a debugging tool. The process runs the program and allows the developer to review their code line by line to ensure the data running through the changed code is functioning as expected. Manual Unit Testing can be time consuming and must be completed thoroughly each time the codebase is changed.
  • Automated Unit Testing
    Separate files are written to isolate each piece of code to ensure the code is working correctly. Just like the name suggests, the tests run automatically at the click of a button. The automated testing assists with the lengthy debugging process and initially these tests are more time consuming than a manual test. The separate test file must be written by the developer, sometimes taking as long as the code changes itself.

If Automated Unit Testing takes longer to complete, why would you want to use this method?

The subject becomes one of the most debated topics among developers. Despite the lengthy process of creating unit tests, they do hold huge benefits to the developer, company, and the client. The key advantage of unit testing is if done correctly, the testing only needs to be written once. From there it can be used to test changes, to code quickly and efficiently which reduces overall time in future development, and/ or changes to code.

Another advantage of Automated Unit Testing is it efficiently reduces the chances of bugs getting through to the client because of consistency and efficiency. Consistency allows unit tests to be well thought out and check the same test cases every time. Efficiency can test all the code to a change to one piece of code doesn’t affect or break another piece of code somewhere else.