Implementing Asynchronous Retry Policies with Polly

Utilizing Polly, an external library of files and procedures, RSI can reorient our clients' processes to successfully eliminate issues when connection problems occur, particularly when uploading or downloading critical files from a server. Polly provides the framework to be more resilient in the face of minor network outages and spikes in load.

One of the processes RSI handles with their software client is electronic visits by interacting with an online server at a specific URL to download/upload various files pertaining to the employees and the services the client provides. Specifically, RSI has daily processes which will move files from private file-transfer servers to be available at the specific sites and our team will download information from the same sites, by reconfiguring into previously-agreed-upon formats and move to these file-transfer servers.

While running the process, RSI may experience an issue when the servers are not always quick to respond, and the process could fail to download/upload information.  Sometimes the delays can cause crucial information to not be transferred to its appropriate destination in a timely manner. When the issue occurs, the connection result is minor with the server taking a little longer than anticipated but will not cause a large failure to any transfer of information.

A reason RSI has the capability to handle the interactions coming from the implementation of the asynchronous retry policies is due to Polly, an external library of files and procedures. Polly provides the framework to be more resilient in the face of minor network outages and spikes in load. Polly can handle any http related exception based on how our team can design and dynamically call certain functionality and end others on a real-time-based system.

Being able to utilize Polly, RSI can reorient our processes to be successful eliminating when any connection problems occur. Our team created a policy to pause and attempt the communication with the server again before ending the process. With these new procedures our team has seen a dramatic decrease in failures as a result of connection failures as even a 10-minute full disconnection will not cause the processes imbedded with Polly to completely falter, they will simply wait out the issue.

Contact us to learn more.