Hartford Free Wi-Fi Initiative

In Hartford? Would you like some free WIFI? Yes! Hartford is planning to roll out free Wifi, estimates around million dollars plan for free wireless.

City Of Hartford Launches Multi-Million Dollar Free Wi-Fi Initiative

Hartford is working with Dalio Education and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving to make Wi-Fi free for residents throughout the city.

Wi-Fi has essentially become a lifeline in the modern world. It’s a core utility for many social functions, educational institutions, and basic aspects of living.

That’s why the City of Hartford has launched a new free Wi-Fi initiative, providing a wireless internet connection for residents and visitors throughout the city. This initiative is made possible thanks to a partnership with hedge fund giant Ray Dalio’s philanthropic group Dalio Education and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, covering the $3.8 million price tag.

“Internet connectivity is not a luxury, it’s an essential part of learning, earning, and living today, and we believe that every Hartford resident and every Hartford business deserves a good quality internet connection,” said Mayor Luke Bronin in a statement for the Hartford Business Journal.

Thanks to the support from Dalio Education and the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, Hartford is only having to invest $2.3 million. This is in addition to the $100,000 annual budget they have for LTE wireless connections in the city.

This initiative is especially important given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has moved many core services and functions online. In May of this year, the state conducted a survey to determine computing and internet access needs of residents:

  • One out of every 11 students were in need of a computer or other device
  • Nearly 29,000 students didn’t have adequate internet access
  • Up to 40% of students in Connecticut may lack sufficient connectivity to fully engage in online schooling.

This free Wi-Fi will make it easier for Hartford residents to make use of telehealth services, and overall raise the quality of life for those living in the city.