Blazor Technology

Blazor provides a robust and efficient framework for creating websites for clients by combining the power of .NET with modern web development techniques.

Realized Solutions is always looking for innovative ways to assist our clients utilizing efficient new technology. Blazor is a web framework developed by Microsoft allowing you to build interactive web applications using C# instead of relying solely on JavaScript. It combines the power of .NET with modern web standards to provide a productive and efficient development experience.

We will be exploring both client-side and server-side web applications options:

Client-side Blazor aka Blazor Web-Assembly:

The application is downloaded to the client’s browser as a Web-Assembly binary, the application is compiled using .NET, which runs directly in the browser without relying on JavaScript.

Benefits of Blazor Web-Assembly:

Rich user interface: Provides a component-based architecture framework similar to React or Angular, making it easy to build complex and reusable UI components.

Improved performance: Once the application is loaded, it runs directly on the client’s browser, resulting in faster user interactions.

Server-side Blazor aka Blazor Server:

On the server-side, the application is executed on the server and the UI is rendered in the browser using SignalR for real-time communication. The UI updates are sent back and forth between the server and the client, providing a responsive user experience.

Benefits of Blazor Server:

Faster initial load time: As the application code runs on the server, the initial payload sent to the client is smaller, resulting in faster loading times.

Code security: The application code is executed on the server, providing an additional layer of security as the client only receives the rendered UI.

How Blazor can help in creating websites for clients:

Productivity: Component-based architecture and familiar C# syntax make it easier for developers to build and maintain web applications, reducing development time and effort.

Code reusability: Able to share code across different platforms, enabling you to create web, mobile, and desktop applications using the same codebase. This not only saves development time but also simplifies maintenance.

Performance: Offers fast rendering and response times, resulting in a smoother user experience. Additionally, by leveraging the power of .NET, you can optimize performance-critical parts of the application using the extensive tooling and performance profiling capabilities provided by the .NET ecosystem.

Integration with existing .NET ecosystem: Seamlessly integrates with the .NET ecosystem, including libraries, frameworks, and tooling. This allows developers to leverage the .NET ecosystem when building web applications for clients.

Compatibility: Runs on all modern browsers whether you use client-side web assembly or server side, no plugins are required to support Blazor web applications.

Overall, Blazor provides a robust and efficient framework for creating websites for clients by combining the power of .NET with modern web development techniques.